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Worship Team Training Days




Speaking Events

Outreach events

Booking Danny


Thank you so much for considering my ministry for your venue!
Below are some details on how I work in ministry.

I prayerfully consider all opportunities to come and serve in the various ministries we are called to. I am a worship Pastor and leader in my home church, and I am sensitive to fulfilling all of my existing commitments in accepting invitation for other ministry opportunities. With this in mind, I want to clearly communicate my ministry options and necessary expectations upfront so we can be of the same mindset in booking my services. The following are ways my ministry is able to serve you.

Worship Encounters:
One of my main callings in ministry is to usher people into the presence of God through worship. My heart is not to do concerts per-say . Generally where a concert is promoted people are coming with the expectation of a performance. My main focus is to direct the attention of praises to the Lord that He would be glorified in their time of worship. Please know my heart is that people would experience God and walk away changed by His touch. In worship events I can either work with the worship team you have in your church or bring a small team with me as well as normally travel with one other person.

Speaking Events:
Along with my music ministry I am also an experienced communicator, covering a wide range of issues and topics, My message is one of helping the church to be out-would looking and seeing what we do in church has to impact beyond the four walls of church and impact the local communities in which we serve. Worship is more than the songs we sing, it’s a 24/7 lifestyle that needs to be worked out on a daily bases if we are to walk in all that God wants us to be.

Worship Training Conference:
I have over 15 years of experience in building teams and creating systems to maximise team growth. I like to inspires others to use the gifts God has given them and encourages people to open their hearts to allow God to take team to the next level. My desire is to specifically build a teaching environment that would be a blessing to your congregation’s, worship teams needs, wether it be practical, like how to take a rehearsal, to operating in Spirit lead worship.

Booking an Event:
I don’t require a set fee for their ministry. I do ask that you cover all of the ministry’s travel expenses which include airfare/ petrol expense, hotel and food. All flights are out of UK airports and would need to be secured by the booking venue at time of booking flights. I operate in faith and honour and believe ministers are worthy of being blessed for the grace on their lives and their hard work. Therefore I would ask you to prayerfully consider an honorarium which keeps in mind the number of ministry team members if needed, travel time, preparation, and time away from work and family that I and all members of my team (When needed) take to bring the best they can before the Lord with you and your venue.

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